Saturday, March 25, 2017

FYP is finally over!

FYP Industry Day at SIT@SP - 24th March 2017

I'm left with approximately 3 weeks till the final examinations and I am very thankful to have passed through one of the toughest phases of university i.e. Final Year Project. Although I still need to mug for 6 more papers, at least one major task is off my list - and that is truly a relieve as FYP itself holds 40 CREDITS.

So! 3 days back, I had my FYP presentation after struggling for 6 months, trying to complete my final project. The last few weeks were entirely spent on my report and daaamn, that freaking report was the lengthiest that I've came up with thus far - 40 pages. The presentation was fine and all but we're not 100% done cuz we need to submit a video demo to the Glasgow supervisor. Mine's down here!

Anyways, Glasgow had their FYP Industry Day yesterday whereby final year students showcased their projects to the industrial partners and us students. Pretty much impressed by most of their projects, especially the ones by Mechatronics students! Their products are LEGIT whereby ours can just be gone within one click (struggle of doing IT)! Well what I meant was, their projects are tangible. (Y)

Other than preparing for the upcoming exams, its also the job-hunting period of our lives! Exciting, huh? Went to the Career Nexus Fair 2 weeks ago and boyyy, I felt so adult. But I do hope to get a job right after uni though because i NEED moooolah (and experience ofc)! :)

This post is all over the place lah I shall just stop here.