Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Everything happens for a good reason!

Assalamualaikum semue <3

Okay since many things happened this December, from happy to sad etc, i would like to write on something that is VERY close to our lives.

It's about this quote: "Everything happens for a good reason."

How true is this phrase? Do you agree?
People say that everything happens for a reason, and a more skeptical mind might respond with, "What nonsense!"
But on the other hand, what a great idea, whether or not it is true! Regardless of religious or philosophical background, this is a belief that anyone can use, even if it's false.

I was reminiscing the previous camp i attended (rebutia camp ftw), and they really empathized this phrase. :D
Trainers selalu berpesan, no matter what happens, whether its a good or a bad thing, just say "OH YEEEEEEH!" cos everything happens for a GOOD REASON.
In other way, i just realised that they are teaching us to be POSITIVE THINKERS.
(*ftw = for the win)

When i came back to think of it, YES, everything DO happen for a reason, indeed (regardless being good or bad). In malay, kteorg selalu cakap, "Pasti ada hikmah disebalik setiap kejadian."

Personally, i agree with this statement.
some examples:-

(as you all know, i've been working for the past 2 weeks. and i kinda hate that work BEFORE :/)
1) I was very down on my first couple days of work (despite me being a first timer). i was scolded by the big boss etc. having to work in a chinese company whose boss is a bit racist. furthermore im a malay tudung girl.. AT FIRST I KINDA WANTED TO QUIT. but thinking positively, why should i? this is just the start of my life. i should be patient. and whats more important, I WILL FACE THE SAME THING LATER ON AFTER GRADUATING. there's no LIFE if there's no circumstances right? and its a plus cos i got to experience this now, while im still sixteen. not like some other people who experiences work at the age of 20 over. i should be proud and i should be grateful for having the chance and opportunity to taste this kind of thing.
so basically, THIS happened for a GOOD reason. Walhamdulillah. :D

2) Even simple things could do.
A few days before the camp, frankly i was a bit tired & lazy (because of work etc). but Alhamdulillah i made it~ and went for the camp. seems that everything happens for a good reason. :D
I learnt a lot of new beneficial things from the camp. It gave me a massive impact! If i wasnt in the camp, I would'nt have tried out cooking rice in "buluh" and night trekking in a jungle. and i would'nt get two bites from Mr Pacats! hehe :p
The most important thing, I wouldnt have learnt the qualities of being a good leader :DDD
Its a good thing i went for the camp. Its good there's such a camp and its a good thing Ustaz Mustaqim, Mdm Yanis & Ustazah Suriyati invited us to that camp.

Arelong even mentioned a SIMPLE story regarding this phrase (which i dont quite remember the exact storyline). But what im trying to highlight here is that even SIMPLE stories could lead to the truthfulness of this phrase. :)

Now, according to the picture above, a verse from the Qur'an (Al-Baqarah: 269)
Hikmah is granted to those whom he chooses. So, once you got chosen, you have to really learn from that lesson.
Sesungguhnye orang yg diberkati Allah sahaja yang dapat menggambil ikhtibar darinya.

Semoga kita tergolong di dalam orang2 yang diberkati Allah, di dunia & akhirat, Ameen. :D

And dont always jump to conclusion. REMEMBER, everything happens for a good reason! :DDD
Think positive cos it will be a better way to live your life!

Ila hunaa faqad, Wassalam. ^^