Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Assalamualaikum! :D

My last post was back in December. Which means that, I've yet to update on my O level result! Haha. So, the results came out last January on the ninth. And I think.. I did quite fairly there. As planned, I applied for polytechnic via JAE. And.... the JAE results had just came out yesterday morning! I got posted to Ngee Ann Polytechnic under the school of InfoComm Technology (ICT). The course I got into is "Information Technology" which is IT for short.

But then, I'm encountering a problem. Suddenly, the fickle-minded disease of mine is attacking me again, and I feel like not going into that course. Last 3 weeks, when I applied for this, yes, I was quite keen. But lately, after revising the modules and all... I feel that this course is too IT based. :(

Now then I realise that I actually wanted a course which gives me 60% IT and 40% Business. Yes, the course that I got into has business in it but that will be during our second year. And only 1 out of the 5 specialisations they offer is on business. Plus, it will only go by vote (as told by the lecturer). I want it to be ongoing.

Another factor is the location. I know that it's a bit lame but yes, small things distract me. I am a very precised kind of person till the extend that every single thing will come up to my mind and I'll start evaluating the pros & cons out of them. That makes it even harder for me to choose on a suitable course. Other than modules and location, the CCAs offered and the eating place are also another issue. Haiyoooo why can't I just look straight and don't bother all thaaat!!! But I just can't. T.T

So, after having a very long thought, I've decided to appeal for a course in Nanyang Polytechnic. Still under the School of Information Technology (SIT). Course: Business Enterprise IT. This course offers me quite a number of web designing modules (which I'm interested in). Actually I did include this course in my JAE but it was my.... seventh choice I think? Because of people's influences saying that choosing a well-ranked school does matter, I've chosen NP and put NYP slightly lower in the list.
But now I think.... all that does not matter.

Whatever it is, I'm just hoping for the best. I'll submit my appeal form tonight and then... TAWAKKALTU 'ALALLAH. I'll follow whatever Allah decides for my future. Insya Allah kheyr! :)))

If I'm accepted to NYP, Alhamdulillah. If my appeal gets rejected, its okay, Alhamdulillah also.
Allah knows best for me.
