I can't recall the last time when I sat in the mosque with the pure intention to seek knowledge. Hmm wait, was it the talk by Daood Butt last year? Or was it Mufti Menk's? See, I'm unsure myself.
It's a waste I realize, to give talks/sermons a miss because obviously, you'll NEVER gain nothing from any of them. Regardless of who the speaker is and upon which understanding he's holding to, SURELY there is something beneficial for you to 'tapau' home. :)
Attended UKE's talk on the pros and cons of social media yesternight and I was utterly impressed by the crowd. Just Masya Allah :')
Made friends with two sisters who came alone as well and these kind of people inspire me, really. Idk but its just the vibes la I guess. Positive vibes. Ok so, before the actual talk by UKE, there was a short tazkirah by a local ustaz on knowledge. He mentioned that there are basically 2 types of knowledge:
1) Knowledge that benefits and makes one closer to Allah
2) Knowledge that does not make one closer to Allah
We also need to reflect on our relationship with Allah occasionally, not only at times of difficulties. This made me think. Sometimes, we do not get what we want - or maybe feel like a loser when things do not work out. Well, look into our relationship with Allah. Is the relationship strong enough? And of course, another strong reminder which I always overlook is AMAR MA'RUF NAHI MUNKAR (encourage on doing good and disallowing the bad).
(The summarized version of the summarized, lol.)- People is getting busier each day as technology grows & we hardly have time for ourselves even.
- There are lots of mediums in seeking knowledge and the style of seeking knowledge differs over time.
Last time: Through books (Manual way)
Then: Talks (Traditional way but is still preferred till now)
Now: Internet/gadgets (can be both good and bad cuz of authenticity) - Do not put your 100% into the cyber world. It's fine to use it but some things still need to be done manually.
- Do not judge people based on their appearance or how they dress.
Above all, I believe the message he was conveying is to control the usage of social media and not go overboard. Be it networking with friends, seeking knowledge and also sharing knowledge with others. We can't totally say goodbye to the old methods such as reading books, go for talks etc... no matter how technologically inclined we get. :')
والله أعلمُ بالـصـواب