Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Happy 2 years bays. May our beautiful sisterhood lasts till Jannah, aamiiin. 
So much love for you girls okay (muahciked!)

In a Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 
"The example of a good companion and a bad companion is like that of the seller of musk, and the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows (respectively). So as for the seller of musk then either he will grant you some, or you buy some from him, or at least you enjoy a pleasant smell from him. As for the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows then either he will burn your clothes or you will get an offensive smell from him." 
[Bukhari and Muslim]

I don't usually post pictures of them online but that's cause gems are supposed to be kept and not exposed (awww). But here's a post dedicated to my precious babes who have been through thick and thin with me for the past 2 years. 

We've actually known each other since our madrasah days but oh well, we didnt talked that much then. It all started last 2 years when we involved ourselves with the alumni activities and attend religious classes together. We got closer since then and went out very often for good causes. These are the people who brings you closer to Allah and alf alhamdulillah for that. 

They say, choose your friends wisely and I agree to that. Good friends will bring the good out of you. Just like the hadith stated above - oh that was one of my favourite hadith during my STE (madrasah's arabic major exam) days ahhh those times, much misses!

Ok anyways, just wanna say that I truly appreciate you girls and I hope that our friendship will last forever till jannah (ok this may sounds cliche but ya everyone hopes the same right lol). May we be better muslimahs and may Allah grant us awesome spouses who can lead us to Jannah aamiin. 

Ok thats all please feel touched okay after reading this. Love you girls muah!!!

p/s: this entry is dedicated to my awesome sisters mussy, mitty and zazzy.