Wednesday, August 27, 2014

have faith in yourself

"Don't let insecurities hold you back..."

Hey ya. It's been a while. And a lot have been happening. But as of now, I'm supposed to be busy mugging for exams /and not blogging/. 2 more days to my very last paper in polytechnic yay! And next week would be my only holiday before FYP starts... which means, I'll be going through an intense 6 months of being locked up (lol not literally) in the lab + internship with no more school breaks! Nuuu I'm sooo not physically ready for that halppp. Mentally? I'm always not mentally ready for anything anyways so why bother.

So anyways, I felt that this year's Ramadan and Syawal passed by too quickly. It's like, they left me just the moment I started to feel the excitement. Not to mention, the atmosphere was very different from the previous years'. It was my first time celebrating Hari Raya without any grandparent. Instead of visiting makcik's house on the very first day of Raya (cos my arwah tokmak used to stay at her place), we diverted to my grandma's sister's place. I gotta admit it was unusual and I really miss the old times. Good old days. 
